We help students enroll and succeed in college.
Equity in college completion is a complex challenge, which many organizations are working to address.
College Beyond exists for the “forgotten middle majority” of underserved students. Our students may not be eligible for selective schools, top-dollar scholarships, or application-based success programs, but they are academically dedicated and committed to earning a college degree.
As little as one hour of College Beyond coaching and $50 per month can help low-income students stay the course and graduate.
Pell Grant recipients
Students of Color
We serve Pell-eligible students enrolling as first-time freshmen at our partner campuses. No GPA requirement, no minimum ACT score.
learn more about
College Beyond's 4-year graduation rate IS:
1.8x U.S. Pell student 4-yr
graduation rate
1.6x LA. Pell student 4-yr
graduation rate
We create college insiders by walking with students to and through college.
We use holistic success coaching and small-dollar financial support to help our students experience and excel in college like their more affluent peers — whose families tend to have more college knowledge and greater financial resources.
Keller Family
Pro Bono
Publico Foundation
Rosenthal Family
Capital One
Lang Family
Mary Freeman
Wisdom Foundation
New Orleans City Council-Harrah’s New Orleans
Casino Community Support
Grant Program
Oscar J. Tolmas
Charitable Trust
Please email contact@collegebeyond.org to connect.